Overslept so missed the game, but what the fuck happened???
Ullyr [#3]This is why you don't sleep. NRG didn't watch the 20+ vods that BLG have in Chinese qualifiers and lost to their classic whzy on judge split play.
The game starts at 5:00AM here 😢
Map 1, NRG got strat diffed in the midround and end game. They won 21 first bloods compared to BLG with 5 first bloods and were 5-0 up. One time out from BLG changed the midrounding approach and NRG basically were fighting against a team that could play the mid rounds to their advantage.
Map 2 was a complete skill diff. Whzy raze judge basically screwed over NRG mental + strat calling from biank + knight. By the second half pistol, it was basically a GG.