i remember the Pakistani scene with players like HSB shooter n shit, where are they all at? I seriously believe theyd be a huge threat at the international level if given the chance....
RealDeal [#2]💀
blud they played against big teams at 110 ping, wanna see Loud FNC and PRX play at 110 ping and see how much of a difference it makes?
kamisavitar [#4]Neh shooter, their Best player struggling in immortal ranked .. rest all irrelevant
tbf jamppi was gold when the year started too
yaiima0 [#5]Shooter would clear SKrossi if he got the chance no cap
exactly. Give em a proper supportive org and watch them become dark horses.
Crackyoudown [#9]there is a guy who terrorises the bahrain radiant/immo 3 I think his name is King heard he is a solid player very solid
yeh k1ng
Crackyoudown [#11]also while shooteR was on OG he was playing with an average of 60+ ping they aren't really given a chance on the international scene at all, issues with region they get 35-55 ping on Bahrain and 65+ to mumbai
We get 65 in Mumbai now? bruh I remember when the servers launched it was much much more than that. At least its better now
JustEnjoying [#15]We get 65 in Mumbai now? bruh I remember when the servers launched it was much much more than that. At least its better now
Whatever the case may be, someone needs to help yall step out because the country has insane talent.
No infrastructure or anything. Pakistan won't be relevant in any main stream esports any time soon I believe. We produce a few good players here n there overtime in all esports tho. But sadly most of us arent given the platform that's needed to produce more. It's honestly surprising we are at the top of tekken and I'm very proud of that at least.
We are going towards it though but very slowly
I mean look at me, I'm the best plat in Bahrain 🗿🗿🗿🗿
Forty5 [#16]Whatever the case may be, someone needs to help yall step out because the country has insane talent.
I do agree about the talent thing. I think there's a lot of potential here but nothing happening any time soon brotha
JustEnjoying [#18]I do agree about the talent thing. I think there's a lot of potential here but nothing happening any time soon brotha
well fuck the mamagement from riot and whoever manages sports/esports there then. You guys are literally wasting potential 40k paychecks and shitloads of trophies smh
JustEnjoying [#17]No infrastructure or anything. Pakistan won't be relevant in any main stream esports any time soon I believe. We produce a few good players here n there overtime in all esports tho. But sadly most of us arent given the platform that's needed to produce more. It's honestly surprising we are at the top of tekken and I'm very proud of that at least.
We are going towards it though but very slowly
I mean look at me, I'm the best plat in Bahrain 🗿🗿🗿🗿
i play bahrain too at high immortal/radiant.
The sole amount of Pakistani players there and how better they usually are with bad setups surprises me because if given the opportunity these guys will for sure shit on everyone lmao.
Late reply but the ping and infra issues are all true, but they were competing despite those challenges before. The real reason why most of them quit was because of a VCL SA ruling that all players had to be able to attend the LAN in hosted india for all the splits. This basically auto-disqualified all the Pakistani players because India doesnt give Pakistanis visas (outside of rare exceptions, which esports isnt a part of). So all of them more or less quit. They all still play mikey mouse tournaments here and there though.
https://www.vlr.gg/249613/aster-army-vs-team-snakes-emg-series-south-asia-pro-groups-w2 Even at 60 ping you cant be so bad 🗿
ValoRISE [#22]https://www.vlr.gg/249613/aster-army-vs-team-snakes-emg-series-south-asia-pro-groups-w2 Even at 60 ping you cant be so bad 🗿
shooter aint too bad tho.