whos winning this match and why?
CarnageBTC [#2]koi will pull out a kru
with Wolfen and starxo playing the way they did yesterday this act isnt too unlikely imo
sad_gambit_fan [#5]navi will paly normal comps again and they will look good
they played 'normal' comps at tokyo
CarnageBTC [#7]they played 'normal' comps at tokyo
meant player role like zyppan raze
shao sova/fade
CarnageBTC [#9]yeah we will see
and tbh even the "normal comps" they played looked out of form
they played normal ascent comp on old pearl
had kayo on bind
no sova / kj on ascent
they just looked like they lacked practice on those comps cuz they kept experimenting the regular season