AYRIN's contract gets over at the end of 2023.. -AYRIN +Benkai
-Rossi +Import a good duelist
disband 🗿
ge fix: disband
Qwerttyy [#2] disband 🗿
i was 9 seconds late
zidmz [#4] i was 9 seconds late
You guys got paid for this shit or wat??
No point if ur getting rid of Rossi unless u find a better Indian player
daddy_ [#5] You guys got paid for this shit or wat??
anyone with over 1500 posts is actually contracted by vlr to post
they just need a cracked duelist
Real GE fix
zidmz [#7] anyone with over 1500 posts is actually contracted by vlr to post
Can confirm
BEST GE FIX: sign the whole DFM roster