actual worst agent, his utility is nearly worthless most of the time and other initiators are 10x better. I'd rather have a yoru on my team 🗿
Best agent, can ult in your team8s
in your team8s
Nah he’s good
but wingman is cute
Deadlock sucks
Way better than deadlock
maybe good for lotus only
chamber and deadlock exist buddy
p. s. i dont think gekko is good but my gekko only smurf about to hit ascendant only 20 games js
chamber is much better than deadlock and gekko
gekko is op in low ranks
gekko was good for like 2 weeks when people weren't used to shooting his flash but now it gets instantly shot 90% of the time, and its use for info can be fulfilled by most of the other initiators and better
u can still flank with deadlock so....