100T rebuild

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Sorry about allat

Obviously things need to change, here’s what I think could work really well for 100T as a longtime fan:

Cryo: Even though he had a slow start to the franchising season he has popped the fuck off recently and is an amazing oper, which 100t desperately needed. I think he is the least likely to leave as he is their “Star” that they bought for a lot of money, the obvious choices to replace him would be players such as yay or koalanoob
Asuna: THE core player for 100t who has been around since the beginning, I doubt that he’ll be dropped given that he has had a pretty decent season and is still a young player that can be molded to fit whatever new system 100t creates. If he does get dropped I doubt it’ll be for anyone less than NiSMO
Bang: Another really young player who has put up good enough performances throughout the season and still has alot of potential for any future system given his age. If he was dropped I could see potential replacements being skuba, Zander, or thief
Derrek: I’m sorry to say it, but Derrek’s gone. He has been entirely the worst player on the team this season, and even though I’ll be sad to see him go from the team I think that he just doesn’t fit anymore. Even just watching him over peek and take stupid ass fights alone just now in the game vs SEN it was so clear that he’s not up to this level. I think the most likely replacement would be eeiu, but I could also see brawk or verno (if verno is old enough for franchising, I’m not 100% sure how old he is)
Stellar: Easily the second most likely player to go, I think stellar was a good IGL who showed moments of brilliance in both his calling and his fragging, but given that he is not consistently on that level he is most likely on the chopping block. Another reason is that with this rebuild something 100t NEED to do is restructure a lot of their play style, which is something that a fresh IGL can majorly help with. Possible replacements I can see happening are johnqt, flyuh, or gmd
Mikes: When looking to completely rebuild a team, the coach has gotta go. Mikes seemed to have been thrown in the deep end this season when sgares left. I think that he was a really great assistant coach who took up the head coach role because the org wanted to keep in place what they had built under sgares without too much shaken up. He was also not really supported until recently when vapen joined ( I don’t know much about vapen or his impact on the team, it looked like they had deeper strats this game than in previous so I’m assuming you can attribute some of that to him) Replacements for mikes could be established coaches like happy or bonkar, OR they could bring in someone new to coaching but not new to the 100t system or high level competition.
Nitro. Nitro is the answer. I think he could be a great coach, and 100t is clearly comfortable with bringing in former pros with a deep understanding of the game to be head coaches for the first time. I think that nitro could really reinvent a new 100t squad and rebuild it before the season starts back up again.

All in all I think that an ideal lineup for next year could be:
Cryo Asuna bang eeiu johnqt nitro vapen (but I’m sure I’m probably wrong)

TLDR: Derrek and stellar gone, poach M80 players, bring nitro back as a coach


NTA, divorce her and marry the dog


i could see nitr0 being a good emotional coach to calm the players down, but i dont see him crafting strats given he's been out of the game for so long.

MourninggStarr [#3]

i could see nitr0 being a good emotional coach to calm the players down, but i dont see him crafting strats given he's been out of the game for so long.

He’s already said he wants to come back, so he’s interested in getting back into the way the game has changed, and also if 100t actually gives him a coaching staff unlike they did for mikes they can help a lot with that


Nitr0 is playing in T2 next year bro, we need an established head coach alongside vapen and the team needs a mental coach or something along the lines of that to stop the crumbling under the pressure and the choking. I could see

Cryo - Duelist/op
Asuna - Flex
Verno/Eeiu/Enzo - initiator
Johnqt - IGL - Secondary controller/Sentinel
Bang - main controller
Thwifo - Sub

Happy/ENGHH - Head coach
Vapen - Assistant coach

Now a Roster with Flyuh as an option

Cryo - Duelist/op
Asuna - Flex
Flyuh/Enzo - Initiator and igl
Bang - Smokes
Aproto - Sentinel

Happy/ENGHH - Head Coach
Vapen - Assistant Coach

MapleVAL [#5]

Nitr0 is playing in T2 next year bro, we need an established head coach alongside vapen and the team needs a mental coach or something along the lines of that to stop the crumbling under the pressure and the choking. I could see

Cryo - Duelist/op
Asuna - Flex
Verno/Eeiu/Enzo - initiator
Johnqt - IGL - Secondary controller/Sentinel
Bang - main controller
Thwifo - Sub

Happy/ENGHH - Head coach
Vapen - Assistant coach

Now a Roster with Flyuh as an option

Cryo - Duelist/op
Asuna - Flex
Flyuh/Enzo - Initiator and igl
Bang - Smokes
Aproto - Sentinel

Happy/ENGHH - Head Coach
Vapen - Assistant Coach

No way nitr0 goes back to battle it out in ascension, he’s a csgo legend and last time he played valorant he was on an internationally competitive team, ofc he would take an opportunity to be at the t1 level. ENGHH is also a great choice tho


You guys just need to take back Sean Gares from his grave and rebuild the roster besides cryocells and nitr0


bro wrote an essay for the most obvious picks of all time

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