shahzam dapr and oxy are great but that leftover v1 core was so fucking bad for them
Yistyy [#3]Well, arguably shaz needed to go thou.
agree to disagree.
shahz was one of their strong players imo and was not the problem.
FrenchToast [#5]agree to disagree.
shahz was one of their strong players imo and was not the problem.
Bro their strats got so predictable that they lost 6 in a row. He could not mid round at all.
Yistyy [#7]Bro their strats got so predictable that they lost 6 in a row. He could not mid round at all.
mid rounding is like max 40% strats, most good teams have like hella people calling and amazing coaches shahz isn't a top tier igl but it is 100% not his fault g2 sucked
cboomer [#11]mid rounding is like max 40% strats, most good teams have like hella people calling and amazing coaches shahz isn't a top tier igl but it is 100% not his fault g2 sucked
Yes, it's two separate things but he's a bad igl because he cannot adapt.
Even on sen they were extremely dominant at first and then started getting railed by everyone. Same happened on g2, finished 2nd in the split and then lost 6 in a row.
I'm not even a shaz hater but these are just the facts and it's clear as day.