state of APAC ascension

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Group Alpha

NAOS>FCY>XIA>ONE>BOOM, there's a clear hiearchy rn

Group Omega

basically SZ>everyone, DK and BLD didn't really lived up to their expectation

I guess SZ,NAOS, and FCY are the favorites right now


You gotta chill, wait for SZ vs BLEED tomorrow to decide. Sometimes playstyles just clash and don't work against some teams. I still have BLEED beating Scarz tomorrow as much as SCARZ impressed me so far. DK was underwhelming today, but they've only played 1 game, we can make conclusions after the round robin is concluded.

aburnie [#2]

You gotta chill, wait for SZ vs BLEED tomorrow to decide. Sometimes playstyles just clash and don't work against some teams. I still have BLEED beating Scarz tomorrow as much as SCARZ impressed me so far. DK was underwhelming today, but they've only played 1 game, we can make conclusions after the round robin is concluded.

yeah I know I'm just saying the state of ascension rn
I still think BOOM and Dplus gonna make it to playoffs, but both of those teams are ass right now


SCARZ are expected to win this event

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