shittest map for dm fking shit spawns
Karmine_Org_WhispeR [#3]whats wrong with fracture dm spawns
same thing as all other dm spawns ngl
only real dm map is breeze since there won't be that much corners for cringe silvers to camp
Halleluhwah [#4]same thing as all other dm spawns ngl
only real dm map is breeze since there won't be that much corners for cringe silvers to camp
the people that seem to play the most annoying in dm tend to be higher ranked i have noticed. like they play more off audio and then just hold an off angle waiting. post game check the tracker and boom, it's an immortal/ascendant player
makoidk [#2]good players dont complain about the spawns and simply kill the other players
whats wrong with you man
makoidk [#2]good players dont complain about the spawns and simply kill the other players
Good players use spinbot
Cannot [#7]the people that seem to play the most annoying in dm tend to be higher ranked i have noticed. like they play more off audio and then just hold an off angle waiting. post game check the tracker and boom, it's an immortal/ascendant player
those too, it's not a matter of rank in all fairness, i just called them silvers cuz it's silver behaviour