The only reason clown9 didnt make Tokyo & Shitvi did is because Fnatic won Lock-in
chick [#7]But honestly Loud Not winning is also okay cause the loudetes would have been so annoying if they won💀💀💀
chick [#7]But honestly Loud Not winning is also okay cause the loudetes would have been so annoying if they won💀💀💀
I would rather have that than the Fanatics right now
JustEnjoying [#11]I would rather have that than the Fanatics right now
No you fucking won’t.
Fucking weirdos tweeting shit like “you should shoot your mother’s grave” as a joke would only happen WAY MORE cause they would be even more decorated as they are rn
chick [#12]No you fucking won’t.
Fucking weirdos tweeting shit like “you should shoot your mother’s grave” as a joke would only happen WAY MORE cause they would be even more decorated as they are rn
well fuck the twitter people I don't use that shit, all I know LOUD fans on vlr are much more bearable than the fnc fans. They even were after they won champs (On Vlr)
JustEnjoying [#13]well fuck the twitter people I don't use that shit, all I know LOUD fans on vlr are much more bearable than the fnc fans. They even were after they won champs (On Vlr)
I know i love loud fans, them mfs been real asf and bear with a lot of bull that emea and Even NA players have been saying.
Loudetes are just so cringe. It makes my blood boil
chick [#14]I know i love loud fans, them mfs been real asf and bear with a lot of bull that emea and Even NA players have been saying.
Loudetes are just so cringe. It makes my blood boil
Fair enough, didn't know they were different terms. Loudetes are dumb fucks I agree with that
TmhariMummy [#9]People started calling Lock/In meaningless only after Fnatic won....they were alright as long as any other team was winning it
It's just people coping cz they can't accept the results
Another reason why I would love to see FNC win Tokyo
like if FNC win Tokyo there's no argument to be made for a "fluke" (this tournament is the most competitive) or "meaningless tournament"
but I'm sure if they win this everyone will be like "If FNC win Champions then maybe they're legit"
TmhariMummy [#9]People started calling Lock/In meaningless only after Fnatic won....they were alright as long as any other team was winning it
It's just people coping cz they can't accept the results
Beyond cap, everyone (even players) talked about how low stakes it was and how they weren’t taking it serious like a Masters event