what a shit bracket

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EG played insane dont get me wrong
but the fact that this was the 3rd match in the same meta gave eg so much shit to anti strat from the map pool to actual strats they ran especially on fracture is absurd
why is number 1 seed facing the number 1 seed from groups????
its actually so dumb on why its random group teams
it should be emea number 1 and americas number 1 facing the groups number 2
and pacific number 1 and emea number 2 should face the number 1 considering pacific never won a international so americas and EMEA should be considered higher seed


Doggus V0ncere flair


U said it, eg loud played the match several times, LOUD had plenty of tape to anti as well. Winning doesnt make it impossible to anti the other team.
EG just improved even more

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