Duelist and sentinel

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shit is actually stale , only 2 duelist are ever played ( jett and raze ) and sentinel is a clear runner for kj,

everyone just runs a mirror comp for every map unless your name is PRX

pls buff chamber so i can stop watching every team get carried by a jett , chamber took more skill then jett


chamber took more skill then jett>
Idk about that one chief


New agent is gonna be a sentinel so hopefully they can compete with kj


ofcourse the sentinel fan


chamber should be reworked into a true sentinel, remove his headhunter and replace it with a new type of trap thing, give him back his other trademark, keep his op and tp the same as they are now

bonkashi [#5]

chamber should be reworked into a true sentinel, remove his headhunter and replace it with a new type of trap thing, give him back his other trademark, keep his op and tp the same as they are now

His headhunter makes him unique that won't be changed. Plus anyone who ever said chamber isn't a sentinel is wrong even with broken chamber. His tp is meant to allow him to control space and get a kill. His tp cannot take space if the space is being held(unless you are bad at the game like me lol).

bonkashi [#5]

chamber should be reworked into a true sentinel, remove his headhunter and replace it with a new type of trap thing, give him back his other trademark, keep his op and tp the same as they are now

he wasnt your typical “ hold site “ sentinel he was a aggro sentinel and was quite game changing and added more creativity, people were running more raze/neon compe with different variations of sentinels because he could awp, not everyone was good with his head hunter so removing it would be pointless, best changes would be

1 Trip no range
1 TP but range a little wider and less of a cool down
Keep his awp the same
head hunter a little faster

samhatts [#6]

His headhunter makes him unique that won't be changed. Plus anyone who ever said chamber isn't a sentinel is wrong even with broken chamber. His tp is meant to allow him to control space and get a kill. His tp cannot take space if the space is being held(unless you are bad at the game like me lol).

didnt say he's not a sentinel, he's just not a true sentinel ie kj cypher, and more a specialised one like sage


Don't worry...the next time Sen will play ...the whole meta will be very different


neon does get used on lotus + reyna on bind from PRX, and we have seen NAVI yoru. its true that we barely ever see chamber, and sage only on bind and split

Shawn23 [#7]

he wasnt your typical “ hold site “ sentinel he was a aggro sentinel and was quite game changing and added more creativity, people were running more raze/neon compe with different variations of sentinels because he could awp, not everyone was good with his head hunter so removing it would be pointless, best changes would be

1 Trip no range
1 TP but range a little wider and less of a cool down
Keep his awp the same
head hunter a little faster

thanks for giving me all the chamber lore but ive watched pro play before thanks
his headhunter should not be fast at all it already pulls out way too fast
1 trip is borderline pointless he has no team utility and much worse fragging power
just make him a proper sentinel

bonkashi [#11]

thanks for giving me all the chamber lore but ive watched pro play before thanks
his headhunter should not be fast at all it already pulls out way too fast
1 trip is borderline pointless he has no team utility and much worse fragging power
just make him a proper sentinel

you litearlly cant make him a proper sentinel, hes a different type of sentinel bro
his 1 trip is to watch flank and stop lurks on defense,
Pheonix and Jett are 2 different types of duelist
Just like chamber and sage are different from KJ/Cypher.

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