in the next act i want to get radiant top 100, i need to know if aimlab really works, i'm open to receiving new training ideas
AstroGalaxy [#2]Aim labs is great! Tenz uses it so
I only saw him using it for real until today, but i still have my suspicions, i imagine he spent a lot of hours in the cs training modes, maybe that really was the deciding factor that made him good at aiming at instead of aimlab
helohelo [#6]demon1 used aimlabs and has a bunch of nice scores on the more popular scenarios but he didnt get good aim from aimlabs as he had like 3k hours in arena FPS
it will only help you improve if you're completely new to fps or very very experienced, if you're in between better off just playing the game
noobs - introduce basic mouse control and help your brain recognize in game distance
experienced - if you have thousands of hours in fps and never aim trained it'll probably help you refine your fine control / areas that are difficult to practice in game
i came to val with like 3.5k hrs in cs thinking i would never need to aim train, it helped me escape my plateau in the end. would still only recommend it to two types of people above though
PunisherXPR [#12]It doesnt.
I used it for like 2 months and actually got worse because I got used to shooting balls across the screen instead of perfecting crosshair placement and other stuff in-game. Skill in Aimlab doesn't transfer to the game.