Many people have lost it or are losing it today. We don't know the cause but some people are speculating that it may be due to NRG's tough loss today. Here are some of the people who have lost it:
ambo69 -
ambo69 -
Yessirskiiii -
chick -
Revlo -
rinval -
Elso -
sita-MOE -
It has been reported that these users are in hospital right now and is currently being treated. We have one of the doctor today so- uhm excuse me sir may we ask how's the condition of the patients?
Doctor: Oh of course, we are currently doing our best to save these people. We can just hope they get better. Medication is pretty expensive and we can just hope they can afford to pay their bills. But we do not care about that because saving them is our number 1 priority
Thank you Doc, and good luck!
Doctor: Thank you, you too
So that's a relief, thank you for watching and see you in another news!