SkRossi. nothing to add
You misspelled Tenz
Ghost22 [#2] You misspelled Tenz
mwzera no? tenz atleast won something
scream too
Boaster @jogular
Bros are happy for being at 8th place
that's the past bro everybody knows that tenz isn't good
Derke, Ardiis, Cned, Cryo,
I don't know who to nominate but anyone who says, it's aspas ... I'd simply request them to watch only one of his match in this vct Americas league.
DbBested [#9] Derke, Ardiis, Cned, Cryo,
bro tried to sneak in derke💀💀
Cresp [#4] Boaster @jogular
19-6 with 4 first kills as brimstone but ok
cNed has something your team will never touch 😂
Russell Westbrook
gamr [#12] Asuna
Based asf jonahp actually solos