Better hurry up this clash of the trash, all viewership is about to go watch the real teams in 20min
Imagine Riot schedules this garbage when NA is playing 😂
Jogular [#2]FaZe should pick up Mistic to bring up their stocks
why your all comments are braindead
h786 [#8]babybay's "career" is over soon if I have anything to say about it
you dont have shit to say about shit 💀💀💀
babysasuke [#10]you dont have shit to say about shit 💀💀💀
watch the game lil bro, he is about to go negative on neon one tricking
h786 [#12]watch the game lil bro, he is about to go negative on neon one tricking
This match will solidify FaZe as favorites to win Ascension and convince Shitzam to retire
babysasuke [#13]This match will solidify FaZe as favorites to win Ascension and convince Shitzam to retire
HOLY delusion
babysasuke [#13]This match will solidify FaZe as favorites to win Ascension and convince Shitzam to retire
Shahzam owns eZaF
babysasuke [#13]This match will solidify FaZe as favorites to win Ascension and convince Shitzam to retire
then everyone started clapping and cheering, living happily ever after.