Flex players (jack of all trades, master of some. They play everything. They're ass, but they play everything. Good ones put up a 1.0 rating and call it a day.)
Controllers (Team whore. Walking disposable util. ppl who play them and put up decent K/Ds are gods in their own right.)
Initiators (second contact. Good engagement util, then wat. Sit on your ass and wait to die. Really good ones take 1 with them. Aimgods take 2.)
Sentinels (one man army on site, but lurks = free kills. players must complete a computational geometry course before employment.)
Duelists (braindead W key high sens imps . really good ones press the S key sometimes. Entire team sets them up. If they dont get 4 first 2 rounds, they must be converted to xhair displacement for the rest of the game. )
Pls keep these in mind before rating your next player.