just put DSG on blast LMFAOOO https://twitter.com/JoshNissan/status/1652496651213504513
Watch his explanation on the strat they were running
Breach was supposed to stun Grass when Omen smoked Window. Then Jett swings out, kills anybody Grass + kills KJ Turret. Then they both run A to 4 stack it.
But since Omen never smoked Window, the timing was scuffed but they had to run the strat anyways. Yay swung out and the KJ turret is mid window, instead of Grass. If the strat was executed properly, it wouldn't have mattered because Window would've been smoked. But because it WASNT smoked, yay has to look at Window to break the turret. So because he's looking at Window, Steel has to swing out and hold his Grass because someone could just swing and kill yay for free. Steel thought that they were fighting but yay was trying to dash away and they both ended up dying.
The point steel is making is that one small mistake (no omen smoke) can drastically change how the round looks and how a strat plays out.
he isn't owning anyone. He's saying that the team fucked up a lot of things and he got all the shit for it. His point is that it happens to so many players who can look really bad only because their team fucked up a set play and those players have to improv or commit unforced errors that get caught on obs cam with no context.
"Your aim is insane." Steel said, as he slipped his feminine hand into Tarik's pants and smirked. "Are you trying to spray me?" protests Tarik, as Steel blushes, the boyish figure undressed before Tarik. "Weak ass eco play, Steel." The two kissed, deeply and passionately, and afterwards Tarik dropped his Kayo molly into Steel's open bombsite.