the triangle
circle>>>> triangle 🗿
Your’e wrong
This is why transitive property stays in Geometry/Math in general and not valorant
SEN (Marved) > 100t > LEV
dodecahedron >>>> triangle
Cresp [#3] Your’e wrong
so are you
meyournightmare [#2] circle>>>> triangle 🗿
Telextro_786 [#6] dodecahedron >>>> triangle
icosahedron clears
Call_me_Papa [#8] so are you
100T + crowd > LEV
If 100T lose against NA teams then I'm right
Kr1zt [#12] 100T + crowd > LEV If 100T lose against NA teams then I'm right
Tbh they will probably go 1-3 against NA teams
Cresp [#11] Yo’ure*
L grammar. You're or You are.
tbf 100T vs SEN was 13-11, 12-14, 12-14 So I argue 100T = SEN = LEV
Shownu [#14] L grammar. You're or You are.
100T > 100T?????
Dolphin [#18] 100T > 100T?????
I mean yeah. Week 4 100T that beat LEV > Week 1 100T that lost to SEN