If Sen keep this roster for the rest of the split were would they rank in terms of americas.
Same as they would have with the other roster 5-6.
i feel like top 3 is a given especially since how they nearly beat lev last week no?
But there igl need to make impact. If it's 4vs5 it will be really hard for them.
how can they end top 3 when they're 1-3. Even if they win all the games it's 6-3, which would still put them at 4 most likely. But Furia will be hard to beat IMO so they will end 5/6.
im talking in terms of power rankings not standings
im not saying theyre gonna end 1-3 im saying that the roster they showcased today has a crazy high potential to be top 3
Honestly I feel like they will end top 2 if they keep this roster
top 5
They're definitely on the top 10 teams of americas franchising
lol good one
I think if they manage to get in depth practice on all maps they would be solid