mekybrdgr [#21]
hmmm imma just shoot some ideas(not very good ones)
u can review the parasocial relationships that twitch viewers have leading to 1000$ of dollars spent annually on creators(might be sociology)
u can try identifying the long term effects of a particular video game/chess on certain standardized psychometric assessments and draw correlations to enhanced brain activity(and the neuroplasticity) in some regions causing this(even better if u hv access to neuroimaging methods, which i assume u dont), cuz take examples like draganski et al(short term) of learning how to juggle and maguire et al(long term) of taxi driving, i assume playing tactical shooters/mobas and especially chess would have a major and noticeable impact on brain structure
u can review the psychology of members -age grp 14-24- which has largely started identifying with alt-right and misogynistic content creators( the top L)
also another commonly ignored area is sleep, u can review psychometric performance of different kinds in relation to amount of sleep in hours and maybe even mix caffeine and stress into this somehow
edit: like an interesting area personally is my performance in exams with sleep+caffeine vs no-sleep+Caffeine, what kinds of mistakes are more common and how it varies across different types of problem solving skills , say a mathematics test vs psychology
just some vague ideas that you can develop on ,sry if they are bad
all g, the last two are doable, since i can actually survey or experiment in them, i have to create a hypothesis now,
the last one is very simple (which is good), can get people to perform test, before caffiene intake and after caffeine intake
the 2nd last one is interesting, but idk what i can test exactly