How to fix ugly???
Sounds like a skill issue
better rng
going to gym and taking care of yourself would help.
I mean if the seed is already dead no worth wasting time, end the seed and start with a new one untill you can kill the ender dragon.
this mf spittin
remove g2 flair
Other than the obvious going to the gym, skincare, etc. The way you carry yourself and confidence makes a big difference.
thats what ugly people says☠️
eat healthy, go to the, wash your face twice everyday and before bed apply a face mask. Should be helpful
Become manhwa protagonist.
define ugly first i wanna know what you think
u can fix ugly by not being ugly is it that hard
Drink enough water Sleep enough Go the gym or some type of exercise Eat healthy food
This stuff might seem super basic but you'd be surprised by how many people fail to do them
With money?
Plan an Isekai trip
India and g2 are the best flag and flair
Go to Japan and Get hit by Truck Kun
ure not ugly others are ugly
ascend to heaven