top 3 controller NA. So smart and calculated! He rarely messes up!
No offense to S0M because he played really well but do you really think that s0m would be that much better than Skuba if Skuba was put on NRG? s0m definitely stepped into a perfect situation as a controller player that I think a lot of people would succeed in, similar to tuyz with Loud. Both played great, both are talented and for sure are good, but when you get a top 3 IGL ITW and a stacked team around you it's very easy to play well.
"No offense to S0M because he played really well but do you really think that s0m would be that much better than Skuba if Skuba was put on NRG?"
Short answer: Yes. I'd be willing to put $$ on it actually. The level of game awareness and experience alone would put s0m above, before even touching the subject of aim.
PS: And no, I'm not an NRG fanboy or s0m fanboy either, these are simply just facts. One player is quite better than the other, even if you look at only fundamentals and game sense.