Who ? The tiktok boy ?
Yeah the tik tok boy who gonna dominate valorant this year.
He won one irrelevant single elimination tournament
Fns clears. Boaster literally have 4 gods on his team right now ...
saadhak clears fns imo.
I respect saadhak, dude is always smiling even if he loses. but check "how nrg strats made loud's igl cry" on youtube. really in-depth video explaining how complex IGLing is and why fns is best
agreed, boaster is still a great igl though, top 3 itw
saadhak + fns + boaster. the big 3
I mean look at his calling at lock in and first match vs Giants, GOATED igl 🗿 and he frags too🗿
Stack roster 4 gods with boaster EZ win ... lol
Good individual players don't mean shit if your igl can't lead them properly lul, look at Navi, SEN, Levi and TL 🗿 This just means Boaster is good🗿
saadhak and FNS have accomplished more than any EU igl currently speaking.
he is definitely the most hardworking valorant pro