Are there any pro players who migrated from the Minecraft pvp community?
capital_d_colon [#5]Not valo but danteh from overwatch
i loved that dude first to hit 2800elo in badlion queue undisputed goat of minecraft
77_sTuna [#6]maybe not pvp community but zekken and koalanoob
playing minecraft hunger games is qualified as pvp
Alonefillz form Made in Thailand (MiTH) bro a Minecraft Pros 💀
guy_69 [#13]Alonefillz form Made in Thailand (MiTH) bro a Minecraft Pros 💀
this is why mith is winning ascension
guy_69 [#13]Alonefillz form Made in Thailand (MiTH) bro a Minecraft Pros 💀
bruh no wonder I feel like I've heard his name somewhere before
edit: I definitely have seen his name on HCF and on top of syuu BUHC leaderboard a couple of times before
guy_69 [#13]Alonefillz form Made in Thailand (MiTH) bro a Minecraft Pros 💀
wtf ive definitely played him before 5 years ago on that japanese pvp server