-chronicle +sayf FNC
+chronicle -sayf Liquid
- chemistry buff since chronicle is basically going to his old team and sayf is going to his old teammate.
idk what to do with soulcas but this would be optimal for EMEA chemistry and everyone is happy!
zeldrols [#2]Why would fnatic or chronicle agree to this lmao ??? 🤣
chronicle will agree
fnc doesnt need to care tbh just do it for the greater good
burritx [#5]That's like saying -Saadhak +Dephh 💀no one would throw their career in the trash like that
why would dephh go to an all br team tho. my situation is benefiting ALL players. one thing you are assuming is just like saadhak is better than dephh, chronicle is better than sayf. this may not be the case, as recently sayf may just be on par to chronicle. i would argue sayf hasn't been given enough time to shine this year but last year he was hella consistent, not just as a chamber main.
babysasuke [#16]agreed chronicle should get out of Fnatic ASAP, they dont want to be competitive
he should really team up with nAts, sheydos, deffo, and redgar and not qualify for LANs for a whole year
what if he wanted to be competitive, he should join TL, best of both worlds 🤷♂️
h786 [#13]why would dephh go to an all br team tho. my situation is benefiting ALL players. one thing you are assuming is just like saadhak is better than dephh, chronicle is better than sayf. this may not be the case, as recently sayf may just be on par to chronicle. i would argue sayf hasn't been given enough time to shine this year but last year he was hella consistent, not just as a chamber main.
No it doesn't. It just degrades fnatic... Doesn't even make liquid that much better....
Edit: nvm NA user with massive copium right here bois
h786 [#6]chronicle will agree
fnc doesnt need to care tbh just do it for the greater good
Bro as much as I'm a m3c dckrider why the fuck are you suggesting that FNC would improve after winning by removing one of their most impactful signings like wtf crack u smoking