I’m Gold 2 APAC, and playing Singapore servers and whenever I try to comm, encourage my team and hype them up, they are always silent and do not respond to me. Why? Any tips to unlock comms in sg servers?
Pogtestic [#2]U dont, i think its like every 1/10 games comms is unlocked
This is actually so annoying and demotivating for me. I think am I overcomming sometimes and then it makes me tilted when my no comm gekko peeks 5 outside haven garage and dies when I have kj setup in garage and he don’t say nothing
sueYA [#5]singapore servers in lower ranks are usually silent
Diamond and above almost everyone uses comms
So is Mumbai better option than sg in ranks lower than diamond? But I feel like I get toxicity and teammates flaming me in Mumbai most of the time
Tesla09 [#6]So is Mumbai better option than sg in ranks lower than diamond? But I feel like I get toxicity and teammates flaming me in Mumbai most of the time
mumbai is just a gamble sometimes you get chill people and sometimes you do not
If you dont mind the potential toxicity and just want comms then yes mumbai is the way to go
but If you wanna steer clear of all the toxic stuff and just wants to chill then better play on singapore.
Personally what I did was play in mumbai till diamond and then later switched to singapore (because better players in high ranks plus more easier to find games in singapore than in mumbai after a certain rank)
sueYA [#7]mumbai is just a gamble sometimes you get chill people and sometimes you do not
If you dont mind the potential toxicity and just want comms then yes mumbai is the way to go
but If you wanna steer clear of all the toxic stuff and just wants to chill then better play on singapore.
Personally what I did was play in mumbai till diamond and then later switched to singapore (because better players in high ranks plus more easier to find games in singapore than in mumbai after a certain rank)
I think its been around a good 40-50 games since I last met a seriously toxic teammate. I think Mumbai really has those people talking shit in the all chat from opposite teams and that is quite frequent. People talk shit when they die to a lurk kill or an odin. But teammates are mostly nice.