I went to sleep at 11-3 (I thought Fnatic lost) I wake up and mf's won
what happened?
Are you really surprised they made an attack comeback on their best map that also happens to be attack sided?
Split was LOUD refusing to get swept and performing amazing. Lotus felt like Fnatic were just throwing. Icebox fully felt like both teams wanted it and the map just played pretty normally.
Surprised Icebox got as close as it did though, Lotus felt like Fnatic were half-assing and trying to focus on just winning the last map instead.
Yeah Lotus wasn't great from Fnatic but going into Icebox I thought easy for Fnatic it's their best map historically but then they're 11-3 down even though their attack side is very good I had no confidence that they could comeback from that especially because they lost the last 2 maps and the pressure is mounting up
So I'm impressed by Boaster and the rest of the team to make a comeback in such circumstances