LOCK/IN São Paulo has come to a close with
Rank #5
Austin Roberts
Jake Howlett
Kajetan Haremski
Timofey Khromov
Emir Ali Beder
taking the crown as well as Challengers Leagues reaching their playoff brackets. Although there is plenty of action, teams all around the world continue to make new headlines. Here's what you might have missed this past week in Valorant news.
This week's edition covers news from Feb. 26 to Mar. 04
- Last Week: News Almost Missed February 25
Roster Changes
Evil Geniuses GC
Evil Geniuses GC Inactive PowerPixele Nora Lorri Lorrian Elad StarBound theia Melisa Mundorff revealed "PowerPixele" as their fourth member.
MAD Lions
MAD Lions Inactive BlackHeart Hasan Hammad bjor Joseph Bjorklund N4RRATE Marshall Massey Ange Adam Milian Trick Justin Sears welcomed Marshall "N4RRATE" Massey to the roster as William "Will" Cheng moves to an inactive role.
- / "sirpfryer"
parted ways with
Team Mystic Black
Team Mystic Black Inactive Hira dom Dominic Jalbert Shane Shane Daugherty Pain Mike Neis .
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BLX UTD Europe Rank #251 Yourii q Liam Hoek JohnieBoy Tim Hakim vaLi Yordi van den Meijdenberg stike Adam Matani Apyr Nathan Abrahamse split ways with Alex "Alyx" Morrow as he searches for new opportunities.
- / Elric "juseu"
Belland announced he is searching for trials with the future of
bonk Inactive juseu Elric Belland being uncertain.
Angry Titans Iris
Angry Titans Iris Europe Rank #458 mAri Sumi parted with their coach Lucas "caZ" Fabian Bliewert.
Natus Vincere Celestials
Natus Vincere Celestials Inactive Lateu Hilal Yaşar Anva Nehir Dinçer Miyori Eylül Sudem Sarıoğlu Sephia Reyhan Şimşek proxima Aslıhan Uslu moved Irmak "River" Peküz to the bench and welcomed Eylül "Miyori" Sudem Sarıoğlu.
Regnum Carya Esports
Regnum Carya Esports Europe Rank #205 lauzen Serhat Koca jonx Enes Güngör announced the arrival of Serhat "lauzen" Koca, Yiğitcan "nAked" Keskin, Cihan "Unity" Seferoğlu, and Berkay "Ravanue" Donmez.
Team Demiral Esports
Team Demiral Esports Inactive YANKAS Yusuf Yankaş VPNCNP Kutluay Kutlu Bard0lf Emir Çinkılıç farewell Orçun Köroğlu Bia Haluk Demirci barni ThePrimerio Doğukan Meriç Karduz nekky Anıl Dağdeviren welcomed Emir "Bard0lf" Çinkılıç, Orçun "farewell" Köroğlu, and Haluk "Bia" Demirci as well as Coach Mustafa "CARRYSMOD" Dalkıran.
Digital Athletics
Digital Athletics Europe Rank #244 lurzy0y0 Ibrahim Sandıkcı Celasun Emir Celasun s0pp Efe Tur pckwN Efekan Yorulmaz parted with Coach Alper "colbsoN" Başboğa and moved Göktuğ "XiSTOU" Canciğer to their bench.
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Acend Rising
Acend Rising Inactive schnellÆ Ayşe Ergül amy Amy Lai htm Lada Kozhemyakina speedowka Weronika Dabrowska Joliinaa Tina Agélii welcomed both Ayşe "schnellÆ" Ergül and Hilal "Lateu" Yaşar to round out their starting five. The team also welcomed Antonio "Aska" Lozano as their coach.
- Sigurd "Zik"
Jensen announced his departure from
VAMONOS Europe Rank #114 as the team rebuilds for split two of VRC NE Polaris.
Rebels Gaming
Rebels Gaming Inactive 's coach, John "Papasmurf" Yoo has been moved to the inactive position as he searches for new opportunities
- / Alaa "Flynn"
Nasrallah parted with
Cyber Wolves Esports
Cyber Wolves Esports Inactive ALMO Albert Mościcki Freyy Krystian Konopka Hitch Martin Srp pyrolll Artur Minin tatzuki Jovan Milovanovic .
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RETA Esports
RETA Esports Inactive Tacolilla Vicente Compagnon suther Tomás Zurita parted with Francisco "franzera" León Montañana.
- /
RRQ Kaguya
RRQ Kaguya Inactive bes Eisberg July Kusuma Alluka Tiara Bonilla Pleno Ayumiii Nurul Aini welcomed "bes" to their starting lineup as well as Daniel "Ducky" Duong as their coach.s
IGZIST Japan Rank #18 RIA popogachi Souta Morita Frxeez Yamada oitaN Masayuki Takahashi moved Yuki "hNt" Ishikawa to the bench as Yumeki "poem" Shibasaki (柴﨑 夢輝) took the role of coach.
- /
Good 8 Squad
Good 8 Squad Inactive ryota- Ryota Okayama kenmohororo Kaito Yoshida C1ndeR Ko Jae-hyuk (고재혁) Bangnan Jung Min-u (정민우) PeroOwO parted with Shoya "Show" Mizobe as they welcomed Ko "C1ndeR" Jae-hyuk (고재혁), Jung "Bangnan" Min-u (정민우), and "PeroOwO" .
Results & Standings
- HER Galaxy $10K Valorant Open winner:
CLG Red Inactive itnothan Han Nguyen emluo mle Emily Peters athxna Mirna Noureldin dodonut Karnthida Chaisrakeo | runner-up: Misfits Black
Misfits Black Inactive panday Tastyy Carlee Carlee Gress edith Eden Bryce Cutlip Slandy Presley Anderson
- HyperX Arena: Spike Drop Operation V.E.G.A.S winner:
QoR North America Rank #24 Dark3st Timotino Timothée Lavigne Dupont nerve Michael Yerrow snarly Nathan Bardis Logan Logan Coffey | runner-up: Sovereigns
Sovereigns Inactive fiziq Lucas Blow epathy Ngawang Chonjor neptune Jason Tran Shawn12590 Shawn O'Riley
- Trinity Trials - Winter Trial winner:
K10 Europe Rank #161 IllegaL Jacob Stringer howl9 Connor Robinson Zuko | runner-up: Dragonslayerzzz
Dragonslayerzzz Inactive Atila shakie
- Valorant East: United - Season 2 - Stage 1 - Monthly Cup #2 winner:
armani briefs
armani briefs Inactive dreAms Adel Smirnov krea6on Vilius Malinauskas Kajuks Kajus Skurvydas 1nput alain Ion Miscu | runner-up: ESC Gaming
ESC Gaming Europe Rank #81 Br0die Jack Emmott L1NK Travis Mendoza cullumx Nikolaj Cullum Andersen feqew Lukas Petrauskas B3ASTM0D3 Ivan Patrik Ledić
- Circuito Tormenta: TRIFORC3 winner:
Inactive | runner-up: ECORP
ECORP Inactive Frankyy tomatte Diego Alcázar Jimenez SnaKee ErJeffra Gluta
- EPIC.LAN #38 - BEACON Split 1 winner:
Insight Gaming
Insight Gaming Inactive Peter Peter Ransome ianto Totts Deqadz Dro9 | runner-up: Next In Line
Next In Line Europe Rank #212
- VCL Turkey remaining teams:
S2G Esports
S2G Esports Europe Rank #69 pAura Melih Karaduran russ Batuhan Malgaç Masic Sermet Demirer reazy Kaan Ürpek Turko Mehmet Özen DeepMans Yiğithan Kesici , İstanbul Wildcats
İstanbul Wildcats Europe Rank #160 VenTT Emre Bozkurt sturNN Eren Oduncular Gloomy Mercan Özalp dRKY Onur Bora Genç deminatiX Akın Tak wtex , Papara SuperMassive
Papara SuperMassive Europe Rank #217 Touven Can Eryıldız Rouss Suat Koçak baha Baha Gözmen skylen Asil Yalçın Fortres ip0TT Yiğit Karadeniz , Galatasaray Esports
Galatasaray Esports Europe Rank #24 WerlasS Metin Ünal Padisah Onur Dönmez MerSa Mert Saatcı DeadInk Utku Onur Aydin PhuRME Yagiz Efe Baygut JrayN Ferhat Yılmaz , Fire Flux Esports
Fire Flux Esports Europe Rank #68 OXMANN Aytekin Çakır JN3v1cE Emre Bekçe musz3kk Cihan Göçer Docent Kadri Vatandaş influx Kaan Taşkın , Parla Esports
Parla Esports Inactive Jlerst Naci Enes Yıldırım sociablEE Volkan Yonal lauress Toprak Kaynak Ruxic Uğur Güç jeyj7y Soner Eren Kent
- VCL France remaining teams:
WYLDE Europe Rank #67 curve Hiiro Eric Brassac benzki Ben Price thooOOM Thom Slaghekke merix , Team Valiant
Team Valiant Europe Rank #233 Veqaj Sylvain Pattyn Anq Ilya Matyash NeskaaS Sohan Bessassa Juskay Jady Yaroslav Nikolaev roxie Povilas Krivelis , Zerance
Zerance Europe Rank #64 Ooriime Paul Gouin Goaster Tony Richard Yotaa Yota Kaouachi , Joblife
Joblife Europe Rank #33 starxo Patryk Kopczynski AKUMAAAAA Alex Lo Bello UNFAKE Bartosz Bernacki Jesse Adam Čtvrtníček wackie Rikardo Birjukov , SBG
SBG Inactive APO Tom Bonnion stand-in TakaS Jonathan Paupard logaN Logan Corti Wailers Wailers Locart beyAz Beyazit Körpe nataNk Nathan Bocqueho , Mandatory
Mandatory Europe Rank #19 HyP Damien Souville Enzo Enzo Mestari mikee Michael Lim keloqz Cista Wassim TakaS Jonathan Paupard
- VCL Spain remaining teams:
Team Queso
Team Queso Inactive mezoky Boom Daniel Jiménez , UCAM Esports Club
UCAM Esports Club Europe Rank #18 Flickless Karel Maeckelbergh ara Hanceriuc Eduard-George Thander Andrej Živanović Quick Fabián Pereira YuNo Eloy García , Case Esports
Case Esports Inactive , Falcons
Falcons Inactive synsi Jere Virtanen eXerZ Miguel Marín KILLDREAM João Ferreira Guardy Antonio Guardiola circu Fernando Puerta Jimenez
- VCL Portugal remaining teams:
SAW Inactive Fragger Henrique Correia brk Bruno Ferreira GrTw Tiago Costa Addicted Eduardo Torres Cunha20 David Cunha , GTZ Esports
GTZ Esports Europe Rank #202 H4te Rodrigo Ribeiro Caim Hugo Fonseca , EGN Esports
EGN Esports Europe Rank #50
- VCL Italy remaining teams:
DSYRE Inactive caydeN Yari Olmi Tag Alessandro Voci wackie Rikardo Birjukov waddle Wadir Taraki , HMBLE
HMBLE Inactive KnightVoice Hubert Lorenc looM Luca Landolfo , GMT Esports
GMT Esports Inactive N A I S Alessandro Montanari AFoxx Fábio Veigas , Macko Esports
Macko Esports Inactive
- VCL DACH remaining teams:
Unicorns of Love
Unicorns of Love Inactive bleeshh Christopher Bledowski , CGN Esports
CGN Esports Europe Rank #7 elllement Dragan Milanović Ambi Štěpán Beránek Wolfen Berkant Joshkun DaviH David Cruz BennY Benjamin Domgörgen Vince Vincent Kranz , Angry Titans
Angry Titans Inactive ngiN Engin Kor HyDrO Lukas Brill
- VCL Vietnam remaining teams:
Fancy United Esports
Fancy United Esports Asia-Pacific Rank #10 Mihlog Tô Minh Long YESicaN Đinh Đình Đạt 16Ch0ps Nguyễn Đức Trí Tín Crus Lư Tiến Huy Hyuse twilight , Team Big BAAM
Team Big BAAM Asia-Pacific Rank #35 Wixoss Nhatthong2k Nguyễn Nhất Thống Nhatthong2k Nguyễn Nhất Thống nTK Nguyễn Tuấn Kiệt Somethai Trần Lê Huy Khiêm P1nA Nguyễn Nam Hyzee Võ Nhựt Huy , Tim Tài Trơ
Tim Tài Trơ Inactive Redneval Le Quốc Khánh viness Nguyễn Trung Tín Juu Trần Thái Vỹ KeA Nguyễn Anh Minh Thông BOSS , LAZY
LAZY Asia-Pacific Rank #61 moefcute Dương Phúc Hiếu Akashi Châu Hoàn Thiện Nhân ducT Hoàng Trung Đức Snowflake Kishi Ngô Trường Huy
- / VCL Taiwan/Hong Kong remaining teams:
ONE Team Esports
ONE Team Esports Inactive YanLi Ra1ny Li Guo-Shuo (李國碩) ngk XyuS SecreT KiNo , LP33
LP33 Asia-Pacific Rank #165 yTao maou 0n1y He Yiting (何奕霆) , AxX
AxX Inactive edw1N N11 Kaiser W4DJJ Paxton , Griffin E-Sports
Griffin E-Sports Inactive Fung3 SiuFatBB Pong Gaa Hei (庞加曦) Uta LockM Xing Fuling (邢福凌) sora , Anti Eco Eco Club
Anti Eco Eco Club Inactive MrCANI Chen Tingxun (陈廷训) FLoydQ Sing He Shengxi (何昇讳) trinity Leung Hing Yip (梁兴业) PPDBJ Qiu Zheng Yong (邱政咏) jkuro Yong Haochong (杨浩聪) , Oblivion Force
Oblivion Force Asia-Pacific Rank #19 riyabtw Kippo Anson Anson Lam Uta CHIMEI Wong Chun Wai (王俊煒)
- VCL Thailand remaining teams:
Made in Thailand
Made in Thailand Inactive Kadoom Kantapong Kingthong Killua Tanate Teerasawad cgrs Patiphan Porsi Laz Kittikawin Jirawatkakan seph1roth Chinnakrit Phoojaroen , Attack All Around
Attack All Around Inactive xcool3 Nuttadet Wijit AloNeFillz Palapoom Thaikum kongared Nantapol Boonying niffy Patcharapon Junman b3ta Puwadon Jaisuekul SantaGolf Chanitpak Suwanaprateep , FULL SENSE
FULL SENSE Asia-Pacific Rank #1 Leviathan Thanyathon Nakmee Laz Kittikawin Jirawatkakan seph1roth Chinnakrit Phoojaroen Apinya Apinya Laotaew Potter Sutthichai Promsrikaew , Sharper Esport
Sharper Esport Asia-Pacific Rank #20 niffy Patcharapon Junman LBY Eisuke Kuraoka qqGOD Phoomphat Phodjanat siraphop Siraphop Honghirun Kadoom Kantapong Kingthong
- VCL Indonesia remaining teams:
BOOM Esports
BOOM Esports Asia-Pacific Rank #2 dos9 Zhumagali Dastan Famouz Fikri Zaki Hamdani Shiro Hildegard Arnaldo NcSlasher Sheldon Andersen Chandra BerserX Rizkie Adla Kusuma , Bigetron Arctic
Bigetron Arctic Asia-Pacific Rank #17 k1ngkappa , Alter Ego
Alter Ego Asia-Pacific Rank #4 Nakya Alehandro Fabian Simanjorang adrnking Adrian Setiawan sayoo Willy Ivandra Cud Thomas Alfiantino gotten Davin , ARF TEAM
ARF TEAM Asia-Pacific Rank #47 Chrollo AmerNone Frenda Ang w1sh tupai Yoga Ade Pratomo goldenblue Millen Chen ,
Inactive , Dominatus
Dominatus Inactive sTizzy capeesha Mikhael Faisal Tarigan goldenblue Millen Chen tupai Yoga Ade Pratomo 6ixKey Muhammad Nabil Rudi
- / VCL Malaysia/Singapore remaining teams:
Enigma Gaming
Enigma Gaming Inactive Divine Yeoh Chun Ting FREY Ingram Tan STYRON Tidus Goh Xan artn Ayrton Soh , Todak
Todak Asia-Pacific Rank #29 EJAY Eroll Jule Delfin Nythan ValdyN Rivaldy Nafian aduka Muhammad Arsyad Sazali , BLEED
BLEED Inactive , X10 Esports
X10 Esports Inactive Vera Rodman Yap Tempz Pierre Heng RedKoh Danial Hakim wayne Wayne Chang Egoist Javier Chua , Hey! Yakiniku
Hey! Yakiniku Inactive shiba Zhan Teng Toh Brxndon Brandon Goh dzii Daven Cheong benaf Benedict Tan Retla Jorell Teo Moosey Yeow Zhen Feng , Louvre
Louvre Inactive ExTreMisTz wisa Winston Ho kayle Ahmad Aqil dumin Du-Min Yeo Reverie Steven Kang Kai Lun
- VCL Philippines remaining teams:
Stream Raiders Nacague
Stream Raiders Nacague Asia-Pacific Rank #93 Shintaro Mark Daryl Timbang Corpuz Worship Ian Ga ABATMAN Franc Lenard Meija , GameLab Alpha
GameLab Alpha Inactive Boogeyyy Khiloy Azucena LoyDreaM , Action PH
Action PH Inactive SyKo Daddie Shunmar Bellita eugeneS Eugene Serrano Narpim Clark Karoll Landrito SecondLove Sovano Alvin Daniel L. Oronce Worship Ian Ga , Abaddon Abyss
Abaddon Abyss Inactive HydraKid Matthew Lance M. Padios vblack Alfi Angelo O. Lua slathom999 Shawn Dale Bolondro Rababz Abdul Rafi P. Biyala Asta Kurt Stanley Laurido exotic John Danlee C. Mag-Aso , NAOS
NAOS Asia-Pacific Rank #27 PTC Kititkawin Rattanasukol xavi8k Xavier Juan Mojer Jerome Literal , Oasis Gaming
Oasis Gaming Asia-Pacific Rank #31 Zeus slathom999 Shawn Dale Bolondro astr0 Franz del Rosario tesseract Jon Michael Piga marky Mark Anthony Tuling
- VCL Japan remaining teams:
Crazy Raccoon
Crazy Raccoon Inactive , SCARZ
SCARZ Japan Rank #9 zepher Jyousuke Matsuda Medusa An Min-cheol (안민철) Anthem Yoshitaka Enomoto LOB Lim Byung-gun (임병건) Yoshiii John Yoshiharu Kawakami , FENNEL
FENNEL Japan Rank #8 GON Kento Hara Aace Souta Itou Hals neth Yusuke Matsuda MrTenzouEz
- VCL Oceania remaining teams:
Next Gen
Next Gen Oceania Rank #2 Zauqk FETA Cameron Gill BiggieCheese Aidan Gill , BOBO
BOBO Oceania Rank #5 Exirst loubert Nozz Noah McClafferty Muzz , The Who?
The Who? Inactive Bonobo gloom Zauqk vizsla Will Davies , 95x Esports
95x Esports Inactive Dragon Nicholas Aleksandrovsky rDeeW Riley Wilkinson LEW Luis Hibbert Minimise Jackson White WAT Lewis Watson , HONEY BADGERS
HONEY BADGERS Inactive Noobster xue Jesse Tang MirzAA Kiyan M-Basari JELLYD Angelo Diaz Maple Elvin Sun , Funcrew
Funcrew Oceania Rank #16 skrawl Justin Lanzon YAKUZA Yifang Yifang Chen MirzAA Kiyan M-Basari
Other News & Rumours
- According to a report by Dot Esports,
Cloud9 North America Rank #4 Xeppaa Erick Bach v1c Victor Truong mitch Mitch Semago neT Michael Bernet OXY Francis Hoang continues to trial for a replacement for Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker. Some names that have practiced with the team are Michael "nerve" Yerrow, Dylan "runi" Cade, and Jacob "icy" Lange.