bro smoked too much cigars
Screenshot of his first con that never took off (The War Room) This is human trafficking. It's called "The Loverboy Method"
this dude has caused so much irreparable harm toward men and how they deal with their emotions. i've had to cut off friends and family because of the shit he's spewed. his whole entire model is built off of exploiting men with fragile masculinities and egos and charging them a fee to hustler's university, one of the most pointless things i've ever seen. he's a con artist in the worst way possible.
these aren't opinions, these are cold and calculated words used to prey on his audience.
he's grown the divide between men and women and given incels around the world justification for their shitty actions. I have 0 remorse for someone with this much wrongdoing.
if you think this guy isn't an andrew tate dickrider based off of the words he's said then you're not reading his words. he said "surely these people are not the ones judging others because of their opinions" when what andrew tate has done to society isn't just an "opinion" he's had. i doubt andrew tate even believes half the things he says, it's all for profit at the male gender's expense
yes. no one is calling him the next hitler because using that extremity doesn't translate. but that doesn't excuse the irreparable harm he's caused. he is destroying a part of society though, his words push narratives that are unfounded and untrue and promote unhealthy stereotypes to give men justification for their shitty intrusive thoughts.
you're an idiot bud, why have you had to cut off friends and family because of Andrew Tate? LMFAO, that seems like a you problem, you don't even have to join the Hustlers University crap anyway, and even though he may have some bad takes, a lot of what he says is most definitely the truth, LGBTQ people do deserve rights, just as long as they aren't forcing their views upon people, especially fucking children
i've cut off friends and family because they tried using conversion therapy on me and sent me videos of andrew tate (because i'm bisexual). I'm almost 21 years old yet they think they have an obligation to turn me straight when i'm an adult. I've seen first hand what this guy's words can do and they've directly affected me by giving power to their homophobic intrusive thoughts. he gives a voice for those too scared to share their shitty ideologies with the world