NA hypocrisy

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You guys keep saying we have to root for the Americas, but all streamers/chat when there's a BR/LATAM team playing, everyone is rooting for the other team. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqyf5sAYU2Q
Tarik's clips are easier to find, but if you look, you'll find other NA streamers, and just look at the chats on those streams.
And then an idiot comes here calling Latam/BR who don't support NA teams a sucker.

Voces ficam dizendo que temos que torcer pelas Americas, mas todos streamers/chat quando tem um time BR/LATAM jogando, todos torcem pelo outro time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqyf5sAYU2Q
os clipes do Tarik sao mais fáceis de achar, mas se procurarem, vão achar outros streamers do NA, e so olhar os chat dessas streams.
E então um idiota vem aqui chamando Latam/BR que não torce pra times do NA de otario?


Valorant community isn't a monolith. Don't expect some vlr users to be representative of all NA fans.


I don't expect that vlr represents all of NA, but from what I could see at least here at VLR, is that the majority support against teams from SA, for teams from the pacific, that's when the crowd chooses a side, the biggest part of the community (NA) thinks it's stupid to root against the region. About the English speaking casters, I see the same preferences, but I understand that not all are from the Americas, I just want that when a BR, saying that he prefers a team from another region over an NA, no one comes with the same childish talk as cheer for the region.

Eu não espero que o vlr represente todo o NA, mas pelo que eu pude perceber pelo menos aqui no VLR, é que a maioria torce contra os times da SA, por times do pacifico, ai quando a torcida, escolhe um lado, a maior parte da comunidade(NA) acha idiota torcer contra a região. Sobre os casters de lingua inglesa eu vejo as mesmas prefencias, mas eu entendo que nem todos são das americas, eu só quero que quando um BR, falar que prefere um time de outra regiao sobre um NA, ninguem venha com o mesmo papo infantil de torcer pela região.


What that guy said^. Also Tarik doesnt hate br or anything lmao he mostly likes rooting for the underdogs. And in both the cases you showed the teams were from pacific who were underdogs coming into this


most smart brazilian 💀


Don't trust any NA frog

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