Man should stick to SA region, dude was fucking clueless whole game, no gaming sense, no aim, nothing he did right. Put shame to region.
he can 1v5 vitality if he wants
but his teammates keeps disturbing him with "sage heal me", "rebibe me sage" & shit
Bro what?????? hes the worst on the team by far
he's trolling
Lmaoooo cope bad player from sh!t region
lmaooooooooo bro this is your 3rd flag change today
so did u -_-
jett rebibe me
At first you praise him like a god and after 1 map he is a shame LMAO
I did not, some stupid 12yo Indians think he is goat. Guy have ZERO game awareness.
show me 1 post within the last one month where i overhyped except the spam which i did twice today cuz i thought to go along with the trolling and if you do i wont comeback to this site until ge wins a series in pacific
well stop flamming him along his all team was lost no cap just cause he is from underdog region doesn't mean its all his fault yk
get the fuk outta here with your sensible takes. lossi bottomfragged in the entire server #gedying #globalembarrasment
Relax its his first event. Like everyone else but ayrin and bazzi
Wow champ calm yourself a little
Bro he is so excited to play here. I can see it from his face-cam and is in game play style.
hes fakeflager
chamber 1 trick when he is asked to play other agent lol
Clearly he got no business playing sage, he is so bad with game awareness that they didn't gave him complex roles lile smoke and initiator.
Give the dude a break lol, he's playing Sage in his first international LAN in a clusterfuck of a team