LOUD playing a mix of BR NA style

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I think it's a Frod factor, but if you see LOUD is advancing very much. You can see aspas with operator rushing mid (just like yay used to do), sadhaak advancing with kj on b (against geng), cauanzin and etc. This a very common thing in na play style. Usually, in America Latina style, it is stacking 5 in a bomb an rushing until killing everyone in the side.


you can tell they're really leveraging the influence aspas has by having him make big statement plays immediately to get into the other teams head, to force them to consider extra options about where he could be and the pace they have to take. for example, when he walked down mid on pistol round vs geng and got 2 deag kills

like you said optic did this very well with yay too, at one point yay said something like "we played around the fact that teams were scared of me"

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