the good ol times

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just a reminder that these are the good ol times, you are currently in them enjoy them


we are witnessing a mental breakdown in real time

babysasuke [#2]

we are witnessing a mental breakdown in real time

one day you will die, be put into a cold box, decay, the worms will eat every last bit of you, you will become worm bile, then worm shit, then you will slowly disintegrate into a quantillion different particles until you are once again nothing but the same atoms and dust you were before the great beginning. My only hope is once you complete the cycle again you come back with a better name than babysasuke #FaZeUp

wafters [#3]

one day you will die, be put into a cold box, decay, the worms will eat every last bit of you, you will become worm bile, then worm shit, then you will slowly disintegrate into a quantillion different particles until you are once again nothing but the same atoms and dust you were before the great beginning. My only hope is once you complete the cycle again you come back with a better name than babysasuke #FaZeUp

see #2

wafters [#3]

one day you will die, be put into a cold box, decay, the worms will eat every last bit of you, you will become worm bile, then worm shit, then you will slowly disintegrate into a quantillion different particles until you are once again nothing but the same atoms and dust you were before the great beginning. My only hope is once you complete the cycle again you come back with a better name than babysasuke #FaZeUp

What if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness, and say to you, "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence" ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: "You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine."

love_trial [#5]

What if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness, and say to you, "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence" ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: "You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine."

did u know we've done this before, countless times but this is all i can say - if i randomly stop posting its cus they got me....

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