Predictions any thoughts?
FireII [#8]cool but wardell is not "any other agents"
he is the definition of one trick
change one trick to Jett god
beb0p [#10]change one trick to Jett god
I know he is a jett god but dont you think the jett meta is falling off for some maps ??
beb0p [#10]change one trick to Jett god
no baitb0p if he was true jett god his team would be able to qual for the goddamn closed quali
FireII [#12]no baitb0p if he was true jett god his team would be able to qual for the goddamn closed quali
carrying ain’t easy mate
FireII [#12]no baitb0p if he was true jett god his team would be able to qual for the goddamn closed quali
Lmfao he dropped 29 kills went +12 1st map... and they still lost... cutler is just too heavy
FireII [#12]no baitb0p if he was true jett god his team would be able to qual for the goddamn closed quali
WARDELL is the definition of a carry dude. Even though he misses some shots he is still the best oper in NA. Its hard to win when your teammates constantly throw games
Rogue_Angel [#17]+Zellsis (Main duelist)
+Penny (Sage or Jett) much better team player, Wardell fans don't kill me please 0.o
+Hazed or Brax (preferably Brax cause he's younger)
Idea is going towards one duelist
Mans dropped wardell for penny.. u must be high
GetsystheGr8 [#18]Mans dropped wardell for penny.. u must be high
way better rifler get out your "JETT IS META OP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY TEAMMATES RIFLE" big mouf
Heavon [#2]
ah yes the best rifler who pushes as sova and dies first against sheriff just cause he was hungry for the eco kills.
lmao this guy when caught in 4k changed drone to subroza
Demi [#16]WARDELL is the definition of a carry dude. Even though he misses some shots he is still the best oper in NA. Its hard to win when your teammates constantly throw games
i mean i think he is at least top 3 oper in the world
Rogue_Angel [#19]way better rifler get out your "JETT IS META OP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY TEAMMATES RIFLE" big mouf
Wardell is better rifler than penny wdym?
Rogue_Angel [#23]don't be delusional that's all I'm saying...
says the mf who thinks penny is better than wardell
Rogue_Angel [#23]don't be delusional that's all I'm saying...
Penny doesn't have the x-factor, that clutch gene. Wardell should work on his rifling and at least try another duelist like raze or reyna
Rogue_Angel [#19]way better rifler get out your "JETT IS META OP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY TEAMMATES RIFLE" big mouf
Stfu... he gets more kills as an awper than everybody on his team gets as a rifler... plus he can hold angles that rifles wouldn't be able to... so Idk how it would be beneficial to drop an awp
Rogue_Angel [#17]+Zellsis (Main duelist)
+Penny (Sage or Jett) much better team player, Wardell fans don't kill me please 0.o
+Hazed or Brax (preferably Brax cause he's younger)
Idea is going towards one duelist
Wait why would v1 drop their whole roster did something leak
farewellVAL [#27]Wait why would v1 drop their whole roster did something leak
no TSM can buy them out. Let's be real they r not going anywhere with effys.
mAko [#25]Penny doesn't have the x-factor, that clutch gene. Wardell should work on his rifling and at least try another duelist like raze or reyna
that's exactly my point "wardell should work on rifling" sjould never be a point for a fucking tier 1 professional
Rogue_Angel [#28]no TSM can buy them out. Let's be real they r not going anywhere with effys.
Fair yeah Drone > effys for sure
Rogue_Angel [#28]no TSM can buy them out. Let's be real they r not going anywhere with effys.
who will replace player 1?
Rogue_Angel [#29]that's exactly my point "wardell should work on rifling" sjould never be a point for a fucking tier 1 professional
I mean there are a lot worse rifflers on the tier 1 scene. For example Zombs.
Rogue_Angel [#17]+Zellsis (Main duelist)
+Penny (Sage or Jett) much better team player, Wardell fans don't kill me please 0.o
+Hazed or Brax (preferably Brax cause he's younger)
Idea is going towards one duelist
the best Jett's are those who can rifle and op. Did u guys see Toronto, derke, tenz they are ALL very high tier riflers and opers, they r insane with it.
Rogue_Angel [#34]the best Jett's are those who can rifle and op. Did u guys see Toronto, derke, tenz they are ALL very high tier riflers and opers, they r insane with it.
russ best jett
FireII [#12]no baitb0p if he was true jett god his team would be able to qual for the goddamn closed quali
yes cause valorant is a 1 person game right...? absolute dumbass