Decided to play a fun game where you will rate them based on everything about the players like skills, game sense and achievement
We’ll start with: Tenz, Yay and Cryo
Perfectly Rated:
ry666 [#2]Overrated: Yay
Underrated: Tenz
Perfectly Rated: Cryo
how is yay overrated?
can you explain?
Kezyyz [#3]i feel like yay and cryo are perfectly rated top players who did their jobs for their teams and then tenz is a lil overrated but barely.
Fair, Good point
FIyingDoggoWoweeClap10 [#6]how is yay overrated?
can you explain?
people still think he's the best itw when he's actually not that good without chamber
ry666 [#8]people still think he's the best itw when he's actually not that good without chamber
yay power is aim not chamber
Okkok [#9]yay power is aim not chamber
even jugi is better jett than him
Okkok [#9]yay power is aim not chamber
YAY is not flashy.. he just knows where to put the crosshair and he let the enemy come in his crosshair
ry666 [#12]
even jugi is better jett than him
C9 was still second unlike FOKUS
ortuh [#11]you guys realise you can use other players than the 3 mentioned in the post
that's the joke
SIRZONE [#14]C9 was still second unlike FOKUS
he's not their best player xeppa and leaf carried them to finals
ortuh [#17]NA Challengers version
Overrated: Supamen (he is not the best smokes player not in franchise, maybe top 5)
Underrated: Tex
Perfectly rated: Trent
who overrate supamen?
he might not be the best but he's up there for sure
NG1nS [#18]bang, marved, mako
overrated: marved
perfectly rated: mako
underrated: bang
I don't think bang is underrated, I'd lean towards him being perfectly rated. People are putting him in the top 20 players going into brazil, which is fair, but hes defo not higher than that.
Domination [#20]Only answer
Overrated: Tenz, Yay, Cryo
Perfectly Rated:
Derke gets cleared by all relax kid
ry666 [#19]who overrate supamen?
he might not be the best but he's up there for sure
Before challengers started everyone was calling him the best smokes player not in franchising and teams like EG should 100% pick him up.
Siege_ [#23]Overrated: Skrossi
Underrated: Skrossi
Perfectly rated: Skrossi
Overrated: SkRossi
Underrated: Botssi
Perfectly Rated: Rossi
ortuh [#24]Before challengers started everyone was calling him the best smokes player not in franchising and teams like EG should 100% pick him up.
you might mistaking him for marved lmao
ry666 [#27]you might mistaking him for marved lmao there were a lot of threads / opinions like this at the time. And no I'm not mistaking him for marved
another one:
ortuh [#29] there were a lot of threads / opinions like this at the time. And no I'm not mistaking him for marved
another one:
then who do you think was the best pickup for eg back then? the best option is obviously marved and he's the second best option imo
ry666 [#31]then who do you think was the best pickup for eg back then? the best option is obviously marved and he's the second best option imo
Skuba, Valyn, Zander, Hazed all better, and you can even get a mechanical player to transition onto smokes and perform at a high level, see bang for example. EG are picking up mechanical duelists like screwface and demon1, and I imagine they will be developing them onto other roles so even players like that would be better than supamen
BackoxyXD [#28]Overrated : ayrin
underrated : backoxyxd
perfectly rated : bazzi , fns
Ayrin with 27k twitter followers is overrated lmao
FIyingDoggoWoweeClap10 [#6]how is yay overrated?
can you explain?
1 trick chamber abuser, chamber nerf kill him rn
ry666 [#8]people still think he's the best itw when he's actually not that good without chamber
Decided to play a fun game where you will rate them based on everything about the players like skills, game sense and achievement
brother can you read???
ortuh [#21]I don't think bang is underrated, I'd lean towards him being perfectly rated. People are putting him in the top 20 players going into brazil, which is fair, but hes defo not higher than that.
but hes defo not higher than that.
see i'm telling u he's underrated
NG1nS [#38]but hes defo not higher than that.
see i'm telling u he's underrated
i guess thats valid lmao, i guess in terms of achievements and longevity hes still got a big gap between him and other controller players, but his form currently certainly puts him in the top 5 smokers in the world. I guess youd say hes top 2/3 if top 20 is underrated
adilKhan [#42]Overrated : TenZ
Underrated : Cryo
Perfectly rates : yay (we can all agree collectively that he's a great player)
Yay was shit, yay is shit now and yay will be shit forever
Qwertyy [#54]underrated: yay
overrated: cryo
perfectly rated: tenzeveryone saying yay is a fraud gonna cry when hes the best in lock in
underrated: yay
overrated: t0nz
perfectly rated: cryo
Overrated: yay
Underrated: tenz
Perfectly Rated: cryo
yay after both jett and chamber nerf is not able to bring this much impact and i doubt he will be able for the foreseeable future be able to adapt to another duelist or role
tenz is a crazy aim machine, personally he's better than yay on aiming and he has shown he can flex much more. He is overrated by the casual community but started being heavily underrated after sentinels became trash
cryocells is a good jett even after nerfs so yeah he plays good frags good, perfect star player
aki [#57]Overrated: yay
Underrated: tenz
Perfectly Rated: cryoyay after both jett and chamber nerf is not able to bring this much impact and i doubt he will be able for the foreseeable future be able to adapt to another duelist or role
tenz is a crazy aim machine, personally he's better than yay on aiming and he has shown he can flex much more. He is overrated by the casual community but started being heavily underrated after sentinels became trash
cryocells is a good jett even after nerfs so yeah he plays good frags good, perfect star player
W answer
SIRZONE [#13]YAY is not flashy.. he just knows where to put the crosshair and he let the enemy come in his crosshair
So? Did u mean that is not aim power? do you think pros who have sick aim are only pros who has flashy playstyle?
masterX [#60]So? Did u mean that is not aim power? do you think pros who have sick aim are only pros who has flashy playstyle?
Bruh... I m on YAY Side .. No way u didnt get what ever i said
inSENSamad07 [#49]Yay was shit, yay is shit now and yay will be shit forever
I can tell you're a SEN bandwagon fan XD
Mocratow [#53]Overrated - s0mple
Underrated - m0nesy
Perfectly rated - Niko
Overrated - k0nfig (broke)
Underrated - FASHR
Perfectly rated - JACKZ