Team Liquid Brazil Team Liquid Brazil Brazil Rank #12 Bizerra Vitoria Vieira Joojina Letícia Paiva isaa Isabeli Esser daiki Natalia Vilela bstrdd Paula Naguil have added Letícia "Joojina" Paiva, Vitoria "Bizerra" Vieira, and Isabeli "isaa" Esser to their Game Changers roster in preparation for the 2023 circuit.

Team Liquid BR 🇧🇷
Mente e corpo devem estar em harmonia para alcançarmos os melhores resultados. Se reinventar é necessário para entender onde podemos chegar.

Nosso foco sempre será o topo do mundo. Sejam bem-vindas @bizerravlr, @joojinavlr e @isaavlr!

#EuSouLiquid 💙

Team Liquid chose to pick up the most dominant Brazilian Game Changers team at the beginning of 2022. Throughout the year, that pairing led to a 37-0 record against other Brazilian Game Changers teams and a berth at the first ever Game Changers Championship in Berlin. Despite a third place international finish and unrivaled dominance at home, Team Liquid chose to revamp their roster over the offseason.

Only the star duo of Natalia "daiki" Vilela and Paula "bstrdd" Naguil remain from the original roster, and three new players have arrived to replace Ana "naxy" Beatriz, Paola "drn" Caroline, and Natalia "nat1" Meneses.

Joojina and isaa join after a successful stint on Gamelanders Purple Gamelanders Purple Inactive , the consistent finals opponent for Team Liquid through most of their tournaments in Brazil. Having been repeatedly denied glory at the final hurdle, the Gamelanders duo now teams up with their long-standing foes to form a superteam unlike anything the Brazilian Game Changers scene has ever seen.

As the highest rated non-Liquid player throughout both splits of the 2022 circuit, Bizerra adds a final star to the already star studded lineup. Her TBK Esports GC TBK Esports GC Inactive shyz Luisa Minarelli Daniops Daniela Cristini Bizerra Vitoria Vieira gabee lineups were a consistent threat to make playoffs at major events, but they, like Gamelanders, never managed to overcome Team Liquid's reign of terror.

Heading into 2023, Team Liquid Brazil Team Liquid Brazil Brazil Rank #12 Bizerra Vitoria Vieira Joojina Letícia Paiva isaa Isabeli Esser daiki Natalia Vilela bstrdd Paula Naguil 's lineup is now: