Who will play for Faze?????
it doesnt matter they arent gonna win shit
this is very ironic
BABYBAY POISED babysasuke I have no idea about the other 2 players
effys, brax or rossy
brax would be nice ngl
None of these are happening xD
whatever you say
babybay dicey poised nutab1e babysasuke
W roster
babybay dicey poised and 2 gay married couple
why will they play with 4 players
can we swap nutab1e for supa, hes the best controller actively playing rn
but this roster still clowns on 90% of T2 teams, EZ for FaZe
the kids gonna play for faze now that they are saved
i saved those kids
Babybay Poised Supaaa Diceyyy Rossyyyy <3
broky ropz karrigan twistzzz rain