I don't know who FaZe's fifth is but they're farming https://imgur.com/gallery/VDYff0a
you know it matters who is the opponent
They're definitely scrimming old gambit or Iceland optic. Trust
sources say the fifth is olofmeister
sources say the fifth is s1mple (he decided to retire from cs joe)
Some are saying it's an import player but tbh I am on not sure
all this hype for fazes 5th meanwhile the whole time its curry
Shahz go to sleep, it's late.
there is no time for sleep
unfortunately we need mr geddes
Maybe Faze picked up the best NA player : Mocking.
I hope I don't get in trouble for leaking, tee hee
Mocking is too good for ascension. He's joining SEN replacing Tenz.
Obvious lie bro.
Mocking too good for Sen LOL