like 1v2s when bomb is down and attackers have vipers pit really is not that impressive
I say this as an unbiased party in c9w vs g2
bruh are you THAT butthurt
no the g2 clutch just reminded me of an opinion I have held for months. Congrats on winning a 1v2 when the pit makes you die to a light breeze in 2 seconds the decay is busted.
yea nah i see your point now.
lucky headshot and then legged a person 1hp its all luck lmao
Fr, it's like the easiest clutch to win alongside Sova ulting somebody who's 1 hp defusing or something
sometimes its straight up easier than winning a 1v1 when you both have full health lmao
ngl this is based except for shroud's 1v2 clutch in LCQ