Im bored so what agent do you think should get a buff and what would it be?
TakoSaki [#3]i think just having no cooldown after picking up his cam would be a good thing to add
Yeah but that would be overkill considering no other agent has instant access to their abilities after picking them back up. E.g. kj turret and chamber tp.
ybee [#2]Cypher, they should just make him like he was in the beta with the gun in cam, and trips staying after death. Would probably boost his pick rate a bit.
The ult is useless and chamber has a trip. That's why cypher isn't good
MitiYa [#6]cypher need a lot of buff
cypher ult is useless( very quickly, only 15 seconds, need 20-30 seconds for ult )
when cypher ult makes it look like they were hit by a spycam, maybe it's better
MitiYa [#7]when cypher ult makes it look like they were hit by a spycam, maybe it's better
Cypher's ult works by giving the last known location of the enemy team that the dead player would know of, that's why there is a limit to how long the corpse can give info. A slightly more accurate buff would be a on the enemy team's abilities and health alongside their last known location, assuming that the characters in game would remember the abilities used by their allies.
adilKhan [#8]Yoru definitely needs help. Least picked in pro play, bottom 5 pick rate in Ranked across all ranks, and overall barely anyone plays him. Just buff his tp speed and boom.
The reason yoru has low pick rate isn't bcoz he is bad but that other agents are better and more viable
GreyDaze [#11]The reason yoru has low pick rate isn't bcoz he is bad but that other agents are better and more viable
Doesn't that literally mean that he's bad? If he was a good agent he'd at least have one or two meta maps like Neon... But he has none. Better options = power creep = agent is bad