No Indo team KEKW
wolkSy_vlrt [#3]qualifier kocak, budayakan membaca bocil mobile
funny qualifier, cultivate mobile reading??????
AE mungkin kena ban
BOOM mungkin karena rosternya belum fix
RRQ mungkin ga diundang (menurut gua masuk akal karena mereka 5 ph, udh ada TS) atau lgsg ke main event
ONIC bubar
BTR belum jelas juga rosternya, Cud belakangan ini umumin sebagai Free Agent
ARF, dll, organizernya mungkin ga kenal ama tim2 gini
AE might get banned
BOOM maybe because the roster hasn't been fixed yet
RRQ may not be invited (in my opinion it makes sense because they are 5 ph, they already have TS) or go to the main event
ONIC disbanded
The roster of BTR is not yet clear, Cud recently announced it as a Free Agent
ARF, etc., maybe the organizers don't know these teams
jeet24 [#5]funny qualifier, cultivate mobile reading??????
lmao...why did you use google translate...its become weird the translate
gonfreacks [#12]lmao...why did you use google translate...its become weird the translate
Then how tf u translate this Indonesian???
jeet24 [#13]Then how tf u translate this Indonesian???
"qualifier bruh, learn to read you mobile (gaming) kid"
Ryukk [#8]They ban Indo team on they tour after prob with AE
Why would they ban all indo teams because of 1 team what you said doesn't make sense.
TMosura [#14]"qualifier bruh, learn to read you mobile (gaming) kid"
duhh bang Tmo jadi repot2 gini
definitioNvlrt [#7]gaada yang mau invite tim indo hahahaha
कोई भी इंडो टीम को आमंत्रित नहीं करना चाहता हाहाहा
appleju1ce [#9]As a indo i support this action
palak kau as an indo, ngaku2 lu kocag gua tau lu sapa, mampus gk ngerti kan lu gw ngmng apa
jeet24 [#19]कोई भी इंडो टीम को आमंत्रित नहीं करना चाहता हाहाहा
no one wants to invite the indo team hahaha