Is adding flipzder gonna improve their posi from 10th in pacific or no?💀, glad riot warned them
Lyze [#6]Yay the peenoise can now be all fired and not hated
Really sorry bro if some of our countrymen were like that, straight up hating the players instead the org
gonfreacks [#4]not sure..but definitely a good adding after the warning...he is a good IGL and fragger....
no, even the condition cannot be healed. the damage to the community has been too severe. the best way is the PH player on RRQ should be lowered to 3, even 0. I'm not against it but considering the condition, the PH scene can be carried by TS, and in this condition the outcome can be ID community VS RRQ fans VS the PH if the PH rrq player doing something wrong