nah ur a bandwagoning shitter, why dont u support your region's team, what an embarrassment, I feel bad for GE
I don't care in the slightest for GE lol. Man really wants to trigger me but is failing as bad as shahzam did as a player and igl. Get ur head checked
lmao how do you know the quality of his igling, multiple pros have said you don't know the quality of their igling unless u are them or a player on their team dumbass, maybe if u weren't a bandwagoning shitter u would know that
Sure buddy. Keep telling that to urself.
you're shit, shazam is horse shit and you have so many dislikes, no go suck shahzam balls and clean his feet, streamers dont deserve frachising
this thread does a very good job of summarizing the vlr community
shut ur dumb ass up
fkn no life baiting on vlr LMFAOOOOO
lmao u get no bitches u whale of a human
u have 5844 posts virgin boy
lmao u just spend ur time on another social media website dont kid urself fat whale
Touch grass is all I've got to say to you
nice alt whale
sure virgin boy