100T roster change

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There will be so much free agent talent floating around soon. Do you think 100T will make a big roster change, or stick with the current one?🤔

I know they are a young team, but I think they would be stupid not to pickup some new players during this opportunity. Too many amazing unsigned players rn


It's kinda tough coz their chemistry was visible. They were and are one of the most disciplined teams with insane chemistry so giving them more time could be better, WILLFPS LANIMAL!
On the other hand as you said, so many S tier talents will be floating around, it'll be difficult not to Poach them.


They can go down 3 routes, 1. keep the same team with maybe one change 2. make changes to get younger and good players that'll have good chem such as bdog for example, with Asuna and Bang(think they should keep these two the most) 3. do a complete overhaul for experienced players such as optic with keeping maybe 1 or 2 players from the current roster. But i think sean and mike like coachable players that can be molded into top talent so I think they go the first route and maybe get 1/2 older experienced player in any role. But excited for the decisions the management.

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