The Real Rundown
EMEA have better concepts that they attempt and execute, but as a whole they fail because their win conditions still rely heavily on individual success(and I dont mean hitting their shots). Long term they will succeed if they actually get through this issue.
NA have better competition which forces the top teams to exist under very specific conditions. The concepts NA teams run are much more based on the individual but because of this, they are much more practiced at what situations the individuals will find themselves in.
~people like scream and derke tend to cause fear in their opponents(from what ive watched of EMEA regional games), another great example not at the event is chronicle. Man is an ego challenge LEGEND. But when you go international suddenly people don't have these feelings when they face eachother, and you begin to realize your gameplan relies more on you just popping off and winning 50/50s than you thought.
EVERYONE is bad. That is why there has been so much back and forth-upsets and such. Every region loses rounds they shouldn't, not just talking about ecos. And I include each regions top teams in this. Nobody is as disciplined as they will be in a year from now, 2 years from now. The game will look different and only THEN will emea have an advantage. Right now you are just as nooby as NA.
Tl;dr: EMEA will only be better when they stop playing like NA.