alright now that everyone’s here, do you guys pee standing up or do you sit down (given the chance)
sitting down at home standing up when not at home
finally somebody gets it
Sit down ofc!!!
if you pee standing up at home you're a maniac
i mean if you’re in agent select and you gotta go pee fast, i’d stand up wash my hands and go back
im not woman i will pee standing up
Stand 2 meter away and aim with no scope
or stand 100 meters away and aim with a x50 scope
Sitting down in public is crazy to me
sitting down when home or safe and clean places
people sit down when they pee? (assuming you're a guy ofc)
bro thats what im sayin
???? Ur mom dont make u sit down when u pee at home?
why does ur mom know how u pee at home?
maybe when he was a kid is what hes tryna say
This is exactly what Im asking
At home I sit
At restaurant I stand
At club I piss all over the floor
dude wtf is this question you pee in the shower thats it