I've lost my respect for them
It's just frustrating at times... hopefully u can understand their pov too....they just won a very hard fought game(ggs to XSET for that) and then when they thought it's over....they had to comeback and play again and were told a vague reason that a KJ bug caused that .... pretty sure no one knows who called for the replay... obviously they would be pissed
What ended up happening was probably the best scenario that could've happened given the whole situation. XSET got their replay after being arguably screwed out a close round, and FPX got to prove they were still the better team. There's no info other than someone's opinion that XSET asked for the replay, I think it's fine for the FPX players to feel a little animosity because of the situation, but you shouldn't shit talk the players unless you know that they asked for the replay.