whats yall wpm? mine is 100-110
Mine is 60-70 on phone 20-30 on keyboard
yuh 60-70 on phone>? :flushed:
https://monkeytype.com/ if anyone wants to take a test
did 3 tests, 81-88-89
135 WPM 30 seconds 96% accuracy
130 on membrane keyboard 100 on mechanical keyboard 60wpm on iphone (no autocorrect)
how yall so fast on phone
i play piano
I have like 70 and have a weird habit of using 3 fingers from my left hand and 2 from my right. Wanna learn proper typing but it seems weird now using full hand.
60-70wpm 55-60 on phone
87 D:
about 7, give or take
63 acc 99%
tried on my iphone
dont know or care
116 96% acc
Got 90 first try, but I don't use 10 finger method so I'm happy with it. I have gotten higher in the past.
MonkeyType 103 wpm 99% acc
Typeracer 80-95 avg wpm (depends how long i have to type cuz i choked alot)
wild https://prnt.sc/FbMg9cptamww
110 100%