literally 0 iq, I thought chinese people smart but they really went for bind just to lose. No doubt they win Breeze tho, then its anyones game on m3
PicKaRuu [#2]Bind is their highest winrate
look their games on bind lmfao, they were often pretty luck to even win it
Hecking_Love_Tenz [#3]cuz liquid is 1-5 on this map
by far their worst map
comparing european teams to asian teams ok
ComradeVonAustria [#5]comparing european teams to asian teams ok
Liquid has positive win rate in other maps? what's your point? EDG just SUCK ASS
ComradeVonAustria [#4]look their games on bind lmfao, they were often pretty luck to even win it
they got fucked doesn't matter
Primion [#9]bcs they winrate at lcq that time was high, even didn't lose that map
The question is what is that outdated comp.